Why Shark Tank India Is Different From Shark Tank US

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By Admin

Shark Tank India is a popular show on the Indian television network that follows a similar format to the American show Shark Tank. However, there are some key differences between the two shows that you should be aware of if you’re looking to launch a business on the show. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the key differences and explain why they might be important for your business.

What is Shark Tank India?

Shark Tank India is a business reality show that pits small businesses from all over India against each other in a bid for investment from the five judges. The show has been hugely successful, with viewers tuning in to see which businesses will be successful and which will be crushed under the weight of competition.

The format of the show is very different from that of its American counterpart. In America, Sharks are typically millionaires who are looking to invest in new and unproven businesses. In India, however, the Sharks are already established entrepreneurs who have built their businesses up from scratch. This makes for a much more competitive environment, as each business has to work harder to stand out and win over the judges.

Despite this difference, there are some parallels between Shark Tank India and Shark Tank US. Both shows offer aspiring entrepreneurs an opportunity to gain access to high-level financial backing, and they both provide a platform for businesses to network and build relationships with potential investors. Ultimately, Shark Tank India is an unique show that offers viewers an insight into the entrepreneurial culture in India, and it is sure to captivate fans of business reality TV across the globe.

How does it differ from Shark Tank US?

Shark Tank India is a reality TV show that airs on the Indian network Star World. The show features entrepreneurs pitching their businesses to a panel of judges who then decide whether or not to invest. The differences between Shark Tank US and Shark Tank India include the way the pitches are presented and the format of the show. In Shark Tank US, all the pitches are given in front of an audience, while in Shark Tank India, only one pitch per entrepreneur is shown. Additionally, while in Shark Tank US, investors can give money to any business they want, in Shark Tank India, only qualified businesses can apply for investment.

The challenges faced by entrepreneurs on Shark Tank India

The budding entrepreneurs on Shark Tank India are facing several challenges that are not faced by their American counterparts. These challenges include a lack of access to capital, a larger population of non-tech entrepreneurs, and a less developed startup ecosystem.

Shark Tank India is unique in that it features a number of early stage companies that are looking for investor help. There are also a number of established businesses that have made an appearance on the show, proving that there is demand for investment in early stage startups.

Despite these challenges, the entrepreneurs on Shark Tank India are working hard to make their businesses successful. They know that they face many hurdles but they also know what it takes to succeed. They are determined to make their businesses grow and become global brands.

The key difference that makes Shark Tank India different

The key difference that makes Shark Tank India different is the way the show is produced. In the United States, Shark Tank is a reality TV show where entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas to a panel of judges. On Shark Tank India, the entrepreneurs are given a five-minute window to pitch their businesses to a celebrity panel of judges, who then make funding decisions. This format gives Indian entrepreneurs an advantage because they can get feedback from well-known individuals much faster than they would be able to on American versions of the show. Additionally, celebrities in India are more likely to be familiar with unique business ideas that might not have been seen on other versions of the show.


There are a few key differences between the Shark Tank India and US formats that could make or break your chances of securing funding on either show. For starters, in Shark Tank India, Sharks invest a smaller amount of money into each business pitch – typically Rs 50,000 to Rs 1 crore (US$7,500 to $2 million). This means that if you’re not able to wow the judges with your idea and valuation, you might not get off the ground. Additionally, there is usually more competition and fewer deals in each episode airing on TV compared to what we see on Shark Tank US. So if you’re looking for an opportunity to land a major investment from one of America’s most influential capitalists then Shark Tank India may not be right for you. However, if you’re up for a challenge and are confident in your product or service then give it a go!

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