Leveraging Cisco Meraki APIs for Custom Network Automation and Integration

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By sumbal


Cisco Meraki is a cloud-based network management platform that provides a comprehensive set of tools for managing networks, devices, and applications. The platform provides an API that allows developers to programmatically interact with the platform and automate network management tasks. By leveraging the Meraki API, developers can build custom applications and integrations that extend the capabilities of the platform, automate repetitive tasks, and integrate with other systems.

In this article, we will explore how to leverage the Cisco Meraki API to automate network management tasks and integrate with other systems. We will cover the basics of the Meraki API, including authentication and data retrieval, and provide examples of how to use the API to automate common network management tasks such as device provisioning and configuration management.

We will also explore how to integrate Meraki with other systems such as helpdesk and asset management systems to provide a more complete view of network operations. By the end of this article, readers will have a good understanding of how to leverage the Cisco Meraki API to build custom applications and integrations that streamline network management and improve operational efficiency.

Overview of the Cisco Meraki APIs

The Cisco Meraki API is a RESTful API that allows developers to programmatically interact with the Meraki cloud management platform. The API provides access to a wide range of network management functionality, including device and network configuration, client and user data, and security and performance metrics. The API is well-documented and includes SDKs and code samples for popular programming languages such as Python, Java, and Ruby.

One of the key features of the Meraki API is its authentication mechanism, which uses API keys to control access to resources. API keys can be generated from the Meraki dashboard and are tied to specific organizations, networks, or administrators. This allows developers to restrict access to sensitive data or operations and ensure that only authorized applications can interact with the API.

In addition, the Meraki API supports webhooks, which allow developers to receive real-time notifications when certain events occur in the Meraki dashboard, such as device configuration changes or network outages. Overall, the Meraki API is a powerful tool for building custom network management applications and integrations that enhance the functionality of the Meraki platform.

Accessing Cisco Meraki devices for network automation

The Cisco Meraki API provides a range of endpoints that allow developers to interact with Meraki devices and automate network management tasks. For example, developers can use the API to retrieve information about specific devices, such as their configuration settings, firmware version, and connectivity status. They can also modify device configurations programmatically, such as changing SSID settings, adding VLANs, or updating firewall rules. By leveraging the Meraki API, developers can automate these tasks and eliminate the need for manual configuration changes, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

To access Meraki devices via the API, developers can use HTTP requests to interact with the API endpoints. Requests can be sent using popular programming languages such as Python, Ruby, or Java, or using tools such as cURL or Postman. The API endpoints support a range of HTTP methods, including GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE, allowing developers to retrieve, create, update, or delete resources as needed. In addition, the Meraki API includes rate limiting and error handling mechanisms to ensure that API calls are processed correctly and to prevent abuse.

How to automate connections via the APIs

Automating connections via the Cisco Meraki APIs can be done in a number of ways, depending on the specific use case and programming environment. One common approach is to use a scripting language like Python to build custom automation scripts that leverage the Meraki API. These scripts can automate a wide range of network management tasks, such as provisioning new devices, updating network configurations, or monitoring network health.

Another approach is to use third-party automation tools that provide integrations with the Meraki API. For example, tools like Ansible, Terraform, or Puppet can be used to automate network management tasks at scale and integrate Meraki with other systems. These tools provide a higher level of abstraction and can simplify the process of building and maintaining complex network automation workflows.

Overall, automating connections via the Cisco Meraki APIs provides a powerful way to streamline network management and reduce operational overhead. By automating repetitive tasks and integrating Meraki with other systems, organizations can improve network efficiency and reduce the risk of errors or downtime.

Automating Layer 3 access

Automating Layer 3 access via the Cisco Meraki API can be done by leveraging the API endpoints that provide access to network routing and switching functionality. This includes configuring static routes, dynamic routing protocols, and VLANs. By automating Layer 3 access, organizations can simplify network management and improve network performance by ensuring that traffic is routed efficiently and securely. Automated Layer 3 access also allows for more rapid deployment and scaling of network infrastructure, as new devices can be provisioned and configured programmatically, without the need for manual intervention.

Automating layer 2 traffic analysis and shaping

Automating layer 2 traffic analysis and shaping via the Cisco Meraki API can be done by using API endpoints that provide access to network monitoring and traffic shaping functionality. This includes configuring Quality of Service (QoS) policies, creating traffic shaping rules, and monitoring network usage and performance. By automating layer 2 traffic analysis and shaping, organizations can improve network efficiency and user experience by ensuring that critical applications have sufficient network resources and that non-critical traffic is limited to prevent congestion. Automated layer 2 traffic analysis and shaping also provides real-time visibility into network traffic patterns, allowing for more informed network management decisions and faster issue resolution.

The Cisco Meraki APIs are powerful tools you can use to connect, automate and integrate your networks with other systems.

The Cisco Meraki APIs are powerful tools that enable organizations to connect, automate, and integrate their networks with other systems. By leveraging the Meraki APIs, organizations can streamline network management and gain greater control over their network infrastructure. For example, with the use of the Meraki API, a network administrator in cisco meraki charlotte can automate the configuration of new devices, monitor network performance, and analyze traffic patterns with ease.

In addition, the Meraki APIs provide a range of integrations with third-party systems and applications, allowing organizations to extend the functionality of their network infrastructure. For instance, the Meraki API can be used to integrate with IT service management tools, like ServiceNow or JIRA, to automate incident management and resolution. Moreover, the API can be used to integrate with other network management tools, such as SolarWinds or PRTG, to provide a more comprehensive view of network performance and security. Overall, the Cisco Meraki APIs are a valuable resource for organizations looking to streamline network management and improve network efficiency.


The APIs are great for automating network operations and integration, but they also enable you to make customizations to the device configurations. If you want to enable VPNs on some of your devices or configure the bandwidth limits for certain ports, these can be done with just a few API calls (and no need to manually change any settings).

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